Wednesday, February 17, 2010

beautiful boy / gorgeous girl

thank you so much for these stunning photos, melissa xxx

Sunday, February 14, 2010

baby manual, please

oooh we've had a tough week of night time 'sleeps' from cleo.... don't tell me this is the attitude we can expect from her, now that she is a big one year old?! :o thankfully last night was a 'sleep through', but the previous 6 nights have been so tough, with (literally) hours of cleo crying. inexplicably. horrid. she had her 12 month immunisations on monday morning, but saturday and sunday nights were very unsettled, so can't 'blame' the needles. i took her along to the GP on saturday morning, to check ears, throat, chest - all clear. shrug. i just don't know. all i DO know is that i am tired. very tired. me fighting off a virus doesn't help matters. the other thing is, cleo is fiiiine in the day. my last thought = separation anxiety... but even then, why would she cry even when in bed with us?! argh - someone pass me the manual!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Random photos taken in Jan & Feb 2010...

Max & Cleo, in the 'Hali But' <- Max's version of Bali Hut, he he!

After a run of 40+ days...

Max feeding his sister, so that I could crack on with preparing dinner for HIM!

Very cool dinosaurs at the museum...

Max & Aaron went crabbing on the river with Paul & his daughter Orla... and this is the sole catch of the day... tasted yummy!

Cleo with Aunty Monica, taken on my birthday!

Thanks Aunty Carly and Connor!

And thanks to Donna, for Cleo's lovely little top!

Australia Day 2010 - oi! oi! oi!

We enjoyed Aaron's day off work with a really long bike ride around the Carine Open Space - via the shops for my iced coffee, naturally! We spent some time by the tree we'll marry under, and at the skate park, where Max showed off his moves. Like our tattoos? We all had a couple, and laughed that we looked like a family of bogans :)

The day ended horribly, with me falling VERY ill with food poisoning... but prior to that, we enjoyed celebrating our nation's birthday.

Aaron and Cleo enjoyed a sleep in together..

Max really made us giggle with this get-up (retrieved from the dress-up box sometime before 6am on Australia Day)...

Max's first day of Pre-primary!

Max started pre-primary on 01 February 2010. His teacher is Mrs Watson, who comes highly recommended. The class is a split kindy / pre-primary. On Fridays, no kindy kids are present, so the ten pre-primary children enjoy the full attention of Mrs Watson and the aide, Mrs Jansen. The first photo shows Max in his classroom with the four kids who were in his kindy class the previous year. No tears in the first week, but a VERY tired Maxi-moo... full days and a full week, from the very beginning! Full-on!

cleo's first birthday!

Our precious little girl turned one on Saturday 06 February. ONE! We can't quite believe it! We celebrated quietly with a morning bike ride and an afternoon tea party with immediate family.

Cleo seems to really like her presents from us (dolls house and hobby horse)... in any case, she has spent a lot of time with the doll house's baby in her mouth :)

The following photos were taken on Cleo's birthday:

MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... cake....

Cheeky chops!

... and here's that baby i mentioned...

The bike was Cleo's Christmas present... could she look more proud??!!