Tuesday, April 28, 2009


aaron phoned from carnarvon (at 530pm, when he could've guessed i'd be in the thick of the dinner routine *roll eyes*) where he'll sleep overnight, before hitting the road again tomorrow.

max suggested, bless his cotton socks, that we 'get' two more babies... so we each have one to cuddle... this is the second time he has voiced this idea in less than a fortnight... ah, the curious workings of a four year old's mind, eh?

relaxed day; a morning play-date (here) with a girlfriend (mandy) and her two children, then after lunch, a small food shop, ie spent less than $100 <- a miracle, i tells ya!

knowing i wouldn't be getting any assistance from aaron, with the dinner/bath/bed routine tonight, i started the ball rolling with cleo's bath @ 430pm, then fed her, then max, then max's bath. by 630pm, both kids were asleep (yayyayayayay) feeling very zen & organised!

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