Tuesday, September 22, 2009


already feeling 'overwhelmed' with wedding planning thrown into the 'life' mix... as some of you will know, i tend to sleep-walk when stressed... and did a LOT of s/walking when max was born. this time around, none (aside from in the mat ward in hosp *blush* ) until friday night, after i'd spent a few hours working on a guest list and googling 'bali weddings'... sigh...

cleo knows what to do with a spoon - - and sometimes even manages to get the spoon into her mouth, lol. she cries if she drops the spoon too, very cute! she also cries when her change table toy drops...

i am smarter this time around, and have attached a toy to her high chair, using a link... spent HOURS retrieving toys for max, when he was this age. never again!!!!!

better get off the comp and into bed... the nights are still not great around here, and not helped with cleo and i in the middle of colds at the mo'.

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