Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the tree is up. i repeat, the tree is up.

one of the girls in my 'cleo' online buddy group is completely obsessed and OTT with christmas decorations... she has six or seven trees, all decorated, in her house ohmy.gif her talk in the thread today inspired me to pull out our (solitary, lone, solo) tree and max was UTTERLY THRILLED with my suggestion that we set the thing up! wub.gif

we decorated up a storm this afternoon, and i was VERY good, letting him add half the ornaments, and decorate the bottom half of the tree. i didn't even reposition one ornament or string of balls! although *cough* i did reposition the reindeer, but that was for 'general aesthetics' *cough*

mum phoned midway through the fiesta in our front room, and i relayed that max was eating one of last year's candy canes and cleo was eating the (fisher price) manger laughing2.gif

definitely need a playpen for the tree, though... cleo's eyes lit up; our little magpie was fascinated with the twinkly lights and 'shiny things' laughing2.gif

will post photos later!

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