Tuesday, October 6, 2009

20 years!

waiting on the arrival of three girlfriends and their (combined) seven children: batten down the hatches, lol! (lucky for me, it's a sunny day - plan on throwing them all outside!)

wedding talk:
i suggested march 2010 to aaron, but he's pushing for later that year (more time to save)... i said NO! as i don't want to STRESS and deliberate over that longer time frame... even though i don't want formal, and i really don't want OTT, i know myself, and know that anxiety is what i do well...!

postie is here! hoping for something fun in the mail, and not more bills dammit. carly & connor arrive in a few weeks, for their engagement party - yay! school reunion (...20 years...) in a few weeks! wanting to get back into WW, as a few kilos have snuck on and i'm NOT happy about it!

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