Friday, October 23, 2009

profile of an 8.5 monther

cleo @ 8.5 months...
...lots of random chatter / no mum-mum, dad-dad, nan-nan <- to the CHN's mild horror ;)
...only falls asleep in her cot if i am holding her hand
...loves mango & cruskits / not at all keen on rice cereal (that's only for babies)
...likes to drink water from a cup, but has not yet mastered the straw or sipper cup
...holds a current passport, and has traveled overseas
...number one thing or person guaranteed to make cleo smile? her big brother :)
...very much a 'fiorentino', including her dark colouring and 'squat' body shape ;)
...breast-feeds (with gusto) 6+ times daily, with absolutely no signs of weaning any time soon - and i am thrilled with our success!
...wakes minimum of once overnight, but mostly twice... and on the really BAD nights, three or four wakes / feeds...
...rolls both ways, can sit unassisted for short stretches & on the verge of commando crawling... she currently pushes forward, but doesn't actually cover much distance yet (phew)
...weighs around 8kg
...cannot (yet) wave nor clap
...smiles a LOT
...breaks hearts daily nicknamed 'squeaky' by aaron & max
...eats three meals per day, and sometimes snacks, too
...often requires a bath after a meal-time *sigh* another messy eater in this house!
...LOVES bath time! very good at kicking and splashing!
...looks equally gorgeous in soft pastels and bright colours apparently the spitting image of max, not that i really see this? love love her.

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