Monday, January 10, 2011

Palaeontology, kaleidoscopes, a camping trip and other stuff: Nov & Dec 2010

Max in palaeontologist mode

Now I am SIX! He loved his kaleidoscope, one of the little presents that we saved for his actual birthday.  As Aaron was away on the 11th, Max had his presents given to him - one each day - for the week before the big day!  Lucky boy!

Max and his best mate Mitchell... and 'the birthday day birthday cake'.

Dummy and high heels... love the contradiction.

I think she's ready for a base position in Max's teeball team ;)

Halloween face - scary!

At Poppy's Hawaiian party at HJ's.

Cleo can't get enough of this car!

Melissa, look familiar?! I framed the paperdolls and hung over Cleo's cot... so cute.

I was banned from any involvement with the tree.  Too particular, apparently.  It looked like a dog's breakfast, but the kids were incredibly proud of the tree.  Max had his angel - made in kindy - at the top.  Cleo would guide each visitor to the tree with 'look!'.  Precious times.

I love Cleo's hair up like this, but she rarely allows it.

Chalk on pavers kept them quiet and busy for ages.

... and afterwards, we moved onto playdough.  School holidays are exhausting, no? Note Cleo giving the playdough the taste test.  The verdict? Not so nice.

Max's class concert, 2010.  His class was a kindy/PP split.

Cleo at her daycare Christmas party.

Strongest baby in the world.

Max has quite a penchant for this face.

Max's own creation.  He is an awesome Lego builder.

Curly top.

This is Sophia, a class mate of Max's who ADORED Cleo.

Marise and Lilijana, the gorgeous two teacher's aides.

Moira Watson, Max's PP teacher.  Gorgeous!

Because December didn't feel stressful and busy enough (??!!), I made some singlets for Cleo.  Bonds singlets plus op shop doilies plus old buttons = cute!

My unwilling model.

First day of our pre-Christmas camping holiday... a holiday which involved a lot of icy pole eating.

The Bouncing Pillow, at the camp ground.  So much fun!  So very exhausting, though!

At Yallingup Maze... an awesome place to visit!

In the extended grounds of the maze.

Chocolate tasting at the Margaret River Chocolate Company.

Oops: waste not, want not.

I think we might've conquered Aaron's fear of snakes, at a local reptile park.  It helped that the creatures were behind glass, of course...

Breakfast at our camp.  We opted for posh camping this time, and had both POWER and an en suite bathroom!  (Still love Contos, as basic as it is.)

These button fingers started life as a gingerbread house.  Too hard.  Failed at sticking the walls together.  Plan B: fingers!  Cleo has a look of chocolate overload about her!

... yes, definite chocolate overload.

T'was the night before Christmas...

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