Thursday, November 18, 2010

Max's 6th Party and other fun stuff!

Max, ready to play his first teeball game!  He plays for the Beanies.  Yay for 8am games on Saturdays...

Cleo feeding her baby.  She is growing up too fast, waaahhh.

I had forgotten all about playdough!  Cleo's daycare reminded me, and wow, they played for about two hours with the stuff we had stashed away!

Do you understand why I feed this child outside at every opportunity?

This shot is just in case you answered 'no' to the previous question.

Max and his best buddy Mitchell... who has moved to a house three minutes from us!

See... eating outside has its benefits ;)

I heart my clock, the wall sticker and those big orange cushions!

Max, opening early birthday presents from us.  Can't believe he is now SIX!

Hmmmm, can you guess who 'suggested' nay demanded we gift this Nerf gun to Max?

Inspired by Womens Weekly circa 1987.

Max on his party day, with his cousins Zach and Beth, and mate Ethan.

Kara (Mitchell's older sister) braving the boy-fest.

No touching!  No nicking lollies!

Aunty Issy took this photo, and aptly titled it 'The Baby Faced Assasin'

1 comment:

  1. Happy Happy Birthday Max.

    Wow! Six already, they grow up so fast. Looks like he had a wonderful party. I love his cake Tan, job well done.

    I'll show these to Ava, she still talks about Max and Luke.

    I've tried several times to contact Kim, with no reply, I do miss the good times we all shared.

    Love Ali
