Sunday, May 31, 2009

marble run

more washing for me today *cry* i had a chat to max this morning, asking him how he'd feel about wearing pull-ups at night again. he didn't appear fazed, so perhaps we will take this small step backwards?

so... as max awoke at 5am today (...soaking wet...), and cleo did too (...hungry...) we hit the swap-meet earlier than usual and made it to the gates at - brace yourselves, people - opening time, 6am along with another - seriously - hundred people!

today's finds: 'raising girls' book ($2), a marble run game for max ($4 well spent! he has wanted one of these for ages!), a rather large retro kids print for 50 cents (!!!), grey country road knit for cleo ($5), a cushion w/cover in a great textured fabric for $2 and my absolutely favourite find of the MONTH... two lengths of fabric birds, for $1 each, that i'll hang over cleo's cot. the seller bought them in vietnam. best bit; the red accents and wooden beads threaded between the birds - perfect!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

my year without sex

my FIL serviced my computer today, and installed my printer/scanner - yayayayay, things are cranking & whirring along soooo much quicker than usual (happy dance).

cleo & i saw a movie last night: my year without sex... really very good! i recommend and heart this film! very funky, interesting sound track. i do love australian films. the film was screening in one of the more pokey cinemas at the luna (leederville), and i had to seek out help to carry cleo's pram up the 2.5 flights of stairs!

max commented today that cleo was sucking her thumb "just like a real baby".

i am sooo tired of washing bedding. so tired! max has only recently stopped wearing night nappies, and this last week, he has had more than a few accidents through the night. i am loathe to return him to pull-ups, as i know he'd feel very disappointed in himself... which really, he shouldn't, as it's not simply a matter of 'deciding' to stop wetting the bed, it's a developmental milestone. sigh. i hope this run of good weather continues, as washing a fitted sheet, doona cover, doona, pillow case, pillow protector AND pillow in bad weather sounds like my idea of a bad joke.

today we commenced the transition of cleo spending her day naps in her bedroom. holy cow, she slept for three hours in her moses basket, inside her cot... guess where she's sleeping right now, lol... i know i'll miss her later, so will cart her into our bedroom when i go to bed.

i repositioned a little toy that was hanging in the car, so that it now sits between cleo's feet, so she has someone to chat to, while we drive... she stares intently at the toy's face, so sweet. she now attempts to mimic our words and sounds... shaping her lips, poking out her tongue, pulling funny little expressions.. gosh i love her!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

kid knife

max is growing up. while i fed cleo in bed this morning, he made himself a sandwich for breakfast! my involvement was simply to remove the plastic 'bit' from the bread packaging... max did the rest! he assured me he'd use his 'kid knife' for cutting. the end result was an uneven ensemble of banana & honey & pear... and a very proud 4 year old!

Monday, May 25, 2009

sticky hands

my head is thumping... missed cleo's 'tired signs' earlier, and she cried & cried & cried... to the point that i too felt like a good ol' wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

today's GP check-up, to discuss max's tic like behaviour, left me feeling relieved... the GP is not worried, therefore i refuse to be worried. the GP asked me questions about max's general behaviour, and specifically neurological related questions, but i had no concerns. ears clear, etc etc. interestingly, after the kindy teacher's mention on thursday, i've noticed a real reduction in the frequency. go figure!

max had a mini melt-down at a birthday party this morning, as he didn't win a set of 'sticky hands', the grand prize in a game of pass-the-parcel. seriously, over sticky hands??!! i appeased max with: if you still love sticky hands in november, we'll buy some for your birthday.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

spotted wellingtons and other matters

max's crazy mask: random bits are added daily, lol...

max AKA ben 10

mum with cleo, who is wearing some 'rattle slippers' that were a gift to max, when he was a newborn.

sleeping beauty doesn't have it any better, i'm certain...

BEST breakfast everrrrrrrrrr today! toast topped with avocado, baby spinach & poached eggs - yummo! (six points well spent, he he)

aaron & i watched 'burn after reading' last night; anyone else seen it? must've been a 'sleeper', as i really hadn't heard too much about it? brad pitt plays a funny role, a v camp, kinda stupid, gym trainer. 4.5 stars from me!

typically, with the weather so bad this week/end, i've copped the kindy washing - d'oh!

feeling a little worried about a weird facial expression that max started two weeks ago, an involuntary grimace / jaw jut. so strange. my googling was not a good idea; tourettes was the most frequent diagnosis. damn dr google. i've made an appointment with the GP for monday, and will request a referral to the peadiatrician. best to be safe than sorry/worry; also the fact that max's kindy teacher raised concerns has me stressed.

well, another day, another kindy birthday party. today's is at a hobby farm... good excuse for us to wear our new wellies! max has a ben 10 pair, and mine are spotty! first pair for me since i was about six!

Monday, May 18, 2009

clever floss

max slept at ev & kim's (<- aaron's parents) last night... and awoke this morning at... 415am! seriously, this child is running on... air?! certainly not 'sleep'! at this rate, he won't be invited for sleep overs anywhere, ever again!

i had a scale & clean at the dentist tonight, with cleo perched on my lap. the hygienist tied dental floss onto the dummy, so that i could hang onto the other end, and the dummy wouldn't go overboard... good idea!

so that's the dentist and the podiatrist that cleo has lain on my chest/lap during 'procedures', over this past week! back to the pod. tomorrow, where hopefully i'll get my heels scraped of dead skin. i really do have the worst feet ever - really!

crazy busy weekend here, but that's just the way i like them. saturday, i breakfasted with girlfriends, took max & cleo to a 2 year old's birthday party (dress up: max was ben 10 but of course) and babysat for friends that night. sunday; max, cleo & i hit the swap meet at 7am (yes, we are MAD!) while aaron did some hunter/gathering aka a scuba dive (10 crays, yay). later, we lunched at friends', celebrating their daughter's christening.

it was one of those GREAT days at the swap meet... we found sooooooooo many wonderful goodies! something i am loving... seeing as max has now come along to a gazillion swap meets with me, he too loves bargain hunting! cleo doesn't have a hope of resisting mwahahahaha.

so... onto our bargains & treasures!
for max: a slinky (remember those?), a game (hungry hippos) and a funky navy shirt.
for cleo: a pair of 'old navy' cargo pants (erm, in size 3), a sweet summer hat, & a summer outfit with really gorgeous embroidery.
for me: a striped top ('skipping girl')
for the house: a ficus plant and basket (for the 'front room'), a pale blue vintage alarm clock (for max's room), vintage set of babushka dolls (stamped with 'made in USSR' - very cool), a little wooden chopping board & a lovely glass lamp - very retro! the babushkas were the most exy item, $10. i love bringing home our treasures, and spending an hour or two, finding new homes for things, and reshuffling. pfft to being a public servant; interior decorating would be so much more fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


...yay, i captured a giggle! cleo is nearly 14 weeks in this shot.

...max likes to cuddle cleo 'goodbye' at kindy, which always guarantees praise for being a lovely and caring big brother from his teacher and/or the other mums!

...and look what aaron found at his mate's dad's 'yard'... an ex-show bumper boat. just what we always wanted & needed, right?! max was way too excited to not try the thing out, so he is seen here in his absolute favourite pyjamas, ben 10.

... ta da! new curtains, and the recently set up 'craft corner' which is currently - as in right now - invisible under a host of boxes, toilet rolls, etc...

...and another recent change about the house, the 'quiet corner' (i can hope?!). the baskets are stocked with puzzles, card and board games, felt board, dominos, etc. this room is known as 'the front room' (sounds so formal, lol) and is primarily a place for quiet pursuits like breast-feeding, reading newspapers and mags, and taking telephone calls away from the constant noise of the rest of the house!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i was brave too!

and following on from the earlier post... i too had a 'brave' moment in this last 24 hours, needing to 'grin & bear it' through two needles in my big toe, prior to having half my nail removed. dang! when a pedicure goes wrong! beware, girls!

my toe requires lots of TLC over this next week, but the biggest challenge will be keeping max he is so clumsy! his gangly limbs so often seem to surprise him with their presence and speed!

next week's podiatrist appointment, all going well with the toe, will involve scraping my rough heels - i lead a glamorous life, i tells ya!

'i was very brave'

our flu-jab 'outing' was fiiiine.

max DID howl, of course, and tell the nurse that he NEVER wants another needle. the nurse placated him with: 'well, not another one this week, anyways...' and this pleased max. he scored a sticker ('i was very brave!') and the mandatory post-vaccination lollies and cuddles from me.

cleo avoided the jab - too young. i am sure that the CHN said that all children under 5 should get it? in any case, as there's egg in the vaccine, it is not suited for under 6 months, at least, and probably not until after 12 months, once egg is introduced to the diet.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

mothers day, kindy style

happy sigh: just back from a special mothers day morning tea @ kindy - just gorgeous! the kids presented the mums with a hand-made necklace & card. mums were then invited into the kindy room for various activities (including a hand massage (!) & a spot of craft). we were then entertained with a special song, a dance (max has got style!), and then invited to join our kids for a dance. cleo was mid-feed, so most of the mums & the teacher copped a flash along the way, he he! theeeen, it was time for a hot drink, and a biscuit <- also made by the kids - they'd been busy! a gorgeous, gorgeous morning!

cleo, max & i are all having our flu jabs tomorrow.. that'll be a fun outing, no?

Monday, May 11, 2009

a crying day

cleo has had a 'crying' day today - if i knew where to find an emoticon to show me tearing my hair out, you'd see it here _________

look, i shouldn't complain too loudly, as she's usually an angel... just not today.

at one point in the supermarket, i had to stop.everything and pick up my howling baby... and then of course the pram tipped up, throwing my basket's contents over the floor and spilling a 3L milk everywhere. oops...

bath time gets earlier and earlier around here! it's not even 4pm, and the bath tub is full of water, & just waiting for me to finish posting! bath time signals the evening wind down phase for us all, and today i say: bring it on!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

attention: hallmark

max dictated, aaron wrote.

"i like playing with you all day and doing stuff with you. i also like it when you wash my clothes so i have clean clothes. lots of love, max"

and on behalf of his sister:

"i like you as big as a mammoth. i love you to the moon and back. i also love your yummy milk. love cleo"

ah, mothers day doesn't get any better than this. pure gold!

Friday, May 8, 2009

the big yellow easter egg

awkward conversation with 4.5 year old, # 37.

max: i might eat my big yellow easter egg when we get home.
me: ummm..... (and thinking, EEEEK, you mean the one i ate on the sly last week??!)
max: yep, it's in the treat box, and that's what i am going to eat when we get home.
me: oh? i hadn't noticed it? i wonder if it's still there? (and thinking, EEEEEK, how can he remember this stuff???)
max: it'll be there, i've been saving it.
me: oh.

we arrive home a while later... and i'm hoping that max's short term memory has taken a turn for the worse.

max: now, let's get down the treat box.
me: (under my breath) dammit...

after a short spell of searching (feigned on my part, and VERY real on max's) i realise that honesty is now the only option.

me: (taking a big deep breath) max, i ate the egg. i am sorry. you can be cross with me if you like.
max: (with tears welling...) that's okay...

we bought a kinder surprise egg today, to make up for things. kinder surprises are on the banned list in our house (complete waste of money) but it seemed like a good alternative to the real easter version, and max was stoked. phew!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


news flash: my sexy new curtains are hanging, hemmed, ironed and look amazing! (thank you mum!!!)

cleo has pharyngitis. no fair. the GP tonight said her throat is very red/sore, poor little duck! she is coughing & sneezing (which shoots the dummy out - what fun) and basically, 'not herself'... but hopefully she'll improve in a day or two. max is also unwell with a cold, but he's soldiering on, as i'd expect from my frenetically busy 4.5 year old!

i succeeded in losing 0.7kg this week (and no idea how i managed it! really!)... only 0.7kg to go before i am back within 2kg of my goal weight, yippeeee! the benefit of being within 2kg of my goal weight is i won't need to pay for weigh ins.

i post regularly on a forum on which quite a range of emoticons can be used to express, well, emotion. as i am an expressive person, i tend to add quite a few smilies to my musings, but in the process, i've found my writing style has suffered, and become a little cramped. relying too heavily on a little face to convey my meaning, rather than being creative with language? so - here's to no emoticons, no smilies, and sticking to words to express myself.

( :) )

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

another star in the sky

today we said goodbye to my friend carrol's mum. she died last tuesday. her name was juliet. she was 67 years old.

i feel such a deep & emotional sadness for my friend, a sadness that is very difficult to express eloquently. what i can say is that when i see my own mum tomorrow, i'll be hugging her tighter, and appreciating her more than ever.

RIP juliet.

Monday, May 4, 2009

dressing windows is bad for one's health

aaron is going to kill me when he gets home from work! i phoned him to mention that our krudd bonus arrived in the mail today - happy dance - and then casually dropped into the conversation that we'd just returned from ikea... he was a little 'grrr' about me buying new curtains for the living area (oops) and will most likely be 'more than a little grrrr' when he arrives home to find that we hit the shops again this afternoon, as i am not completely happy with the ikea curtains (they need hemming; i.don'


we have a couple of hundred $'s worth of curtains littering the kitchen bench, new curtain rods, the old curtain tracking system is half hanging off the wall, as i can't - for the life of me! - work out how to unscrew a particular set of track holders... i've also cut the pulley strings on the old track, so rendered them now useless... yikes! so yeah, he's going to kill me!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

(more) happy snaps

a peek into cleo's bedroom... and for those that know what i'm talking about, note i finally found an 'o' at bunnings, to replace the '0' on the door - phew!

and a few more shots... just because i happen to be the proud parent of two particularly attractive children ;P

happy snaps

max reading to cleo... ('are you a frog like me?')

don't you just adore a baby in tie-dye?

cleo with aaron's grandparents (on anzac day)...

snug as a bug in a rug in a hug from her daddy... at jo & chris' wedding...

aaron, cleo & i, at my friend jo's beautiful wedding party...

me all over

at my cousin emma's 21st party last night, cleo was held by a minimum of ten relatives, and for a constant period of 4.5 hours... so i was expecting the night to be a shocker, with her wanting to be held/cuddled non-stop... but no, precious child, she did not! she fed when we arrived home (midnight, a late one for meeeee!) and then didn't wake again until 530am! there's usually another feed in amongst there, at around 230/3am.

everyone adored cleo (they're only human!); aunty bernie commented that cleo is 'me' all over.

despite my late night, i awoke feeling refreshed enough to face the karrinyup swap-meet at 8am! max & i left cleo & aaron to snooze, and we found a few bargains. cleo did well, as always... 6 pieces of clothing (including a sweet jacket) for $16, and i found three lovely framed botanical prints, which'll look fab in the dining room.... bargain @ $5!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

saw dust

did your morning get off to a calm & leisurely start?


at 545am, max shrieked in my ear that he'd 'nearly' killed his hermit crab and saw dust was all.over.the.laundry.floor. brilliant...

so, sweeping up saw dust (the hermit crabs' version of kitty litter) was my first task of the day (the earlier morning breast feeds not counted in this tally)... it's all glamour around here, no?

btw, it's a... girlllllllllllllllllllllllll! i have already mentally started shopping for my new neice!