Wednesday, May 6, 2009


news flash: my sexy new curtains are hanging, hemmed, ironed and look amazing! (thank you mum!!!)

cleo has pharyngitis. no fair. the GP tonight said her throat is very red/sore, poor little duck! she is coughing & sneezing (which shoots the dummy out - what fun) and basically, 'not herself'... but hopefully she'll improve in a day or two. max is also unwell with a cold, but he's soldiering on, as i'd expect from my frenetically busy 4.5 year old!

i succeeded in losing 0.7kg this week (and no idea how i managed it! really!)... only 0.7kg to go before i am back within 2kg of my goal weight, yippeeee! the benefit of being within 2kg of my goal weight is i won't need to pay for weigh ins.

i post regularly on a forum on which quite a range of emoticons can be used to express, well, emotion. as i am an expressive person, i tend to add quite a few smilies to my musings, but in the process, i've found my writing style has suffered, and become a little cramped. relying too heavily on a little face to convey my meaning, rather than being creative with language? so - here's to no emoticons, no smilies, and sticking to words to express myself.

( :) )

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