my FIL serviced my computer today, and installed my printer/scanner - yayayayay, things are cranking & whirring along soooo much quicker than usual (happy dance).
cleo & i saw a movie last night: my year without sex... really very good! i recommend and heart this film! very funky, interesting sound track. i do love australian films. the film was screening in one of the more pokey cinemas at the luna (leederville), and i had to seek out help to carry cleo's pram up the 2.5 flights of stairs!
max commented today that cleo was sucking her thumb "just like a real baby".
i am sooo tired of washing bedding. so tired! max has only recently stopped wearing night nappies, and this last week, he has had more than a few accidents through the night. i am loathe to return him to pull-ups, as i know he'd feel very disappointed in himself... which really, he shouldn't, as it's not simply a matter of 'deciding' to stop wetting the bed, it's a developmental milestone. sigh. i hope this run of good weather continues, as washing a fitted sheet, doona cover, doona, pillow case, pillow protector AND pillow in bad weather sounds like my idea of a bad joke.
today we commenced the transition of cleo spending her day naps in her bedroom. holy cow, she slept for three hours in her moses basket, inside her cot... guess where she's sleeping right now, lol... i know i'll miss her later, so will cart her into our bedroom when i go to bed.
i repositioned a little toy that was hanging in the car, so that it now sits between cleo's feet, so she has someone to chat to, while we drive... she stares intently at the toy's face, so sweet. she now attempts to mimic our words and sounds... shaping her lips, poking out her tongue, pulling funny little expressions.. gosh i love her!
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