Monday, May 25, 2009

sticky hands

my head is thumping... missed cleo's 'tired signs' earlier, and she cried & cried & cried... to the point that i too felt like a good ol' wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

today's GP check-up, to discuss max's tic like behaviour, left me feeling relieved... the GP is not worried, therefore i refuse to be worried. the GP asked me questions about max's general behaviour, and specifically neurological related questions, but i had no concerns. ears clear, etc etc. interestingly, after the kindy teacher's mention on thursday, i've noticed a real reduction in the frequency. go figure!

max had a mini melt-down at a birthday party this morning, as he didn't win a set of 'sticky hands', the grand prize in a game of pass-the-parcel. seriously, over sticky hands??!! i appeased max with: if you still love sticky hands in november, we'll buy some for your birthday.

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