Thursday, May 14, 2009


...yay, i captured a giggle! cleo is nearly 14 weeks in this shot.

...max likes to cuddle cleo 'goodbye' at kindy, which always guarantees praise for being a lovely and caring big brother from his teacher and/or the other mums!

...and look what aaron found at his mate's dad's 'yard'... an ex-show bumper boat. just what we always wanted & needed, right?! max was way too excited to not try the thing out, so he is seen here in his absolute favourite pyjamas, ben 10.

... ta da! new curtains, and the recently set up 'craft corner' which is currently - as in right now - invisible under a host of boxes, toilet rolls, etc...

...and another recent change about the house, the 'quiet corner' (i can hope?!). the baskets are stocked with puzzles, card and board games, felt board, dominos, etc. this room is known as 'the front room' (sounds so formal, lol) and is primarily a place for quiet pursuits like breast-feeding, reading newspapers and mags, and taking telephone calls away from the constant noise of the rest of the house!

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